About Us
Our Story
Historically, Hamilton has always been integral to the insurance industry. Before the consolidation of the financial district in downtown Toronto, Hamilton was home to many of the major players in the industry.
Many of those seasoned professionals still call Hamilton home. And why wouldn’t they — teeming with natural beauty, ambitious service and amenities growth in the downtown core, and unrivalled art and music scene, Hamilton is a city that respected and accomplished industry leaders are proud to use as a home base. And as work-from-home conditions rapidly become the norm, Hamilton’s many benefits make it an attractive alternative to those in earlier stages of their careers as well.
The OIAA Hamilton Chapter has always had a strong connection to the fabric of the insurance industry in the city. From the annual Hamilton Law Association Joint Insurance Seminar (Thursday December 2, 2021 – email events@hamiltonlaw.on.ca for details) to our spring educational event — we are committed to providing top-notch professional development in the insurance space.
The OIAA Hamilton Chapter also takes pride in giving back to the community wherever we can. Hosting fundraising events including our annual Bowling Bas fundraiser (partnered with Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice), our annual golf tournament and holiday parties give a sense of connection and joy through our tight-knit ranks. Since all proceeds go to local charity organizations, we can be confident that we are giving back to the community that supports and nurtures us.
All of which are only made possible through the hard work and dedication of our exception executive team including Jennifer Allan (Brant Mutual), Laura O’Hearn (Maxwell Claims), Armaine Smith, Bradley Remigis (Agro Zaffiro LLP), and our past executives who have contributed so much over the years including Janice Brooks (Dumfries Mutual), Alyson Harper (Sedgwick), Dave Hladysh (Desjardin), and so many more.
I am very fortunate to have been selected by such wonderful people to be Chapter President. I look forward to growing the OIAA Hamilton chapter to provide professional development and networking opportunities to aspiring and accomplished insurance professionals.
Whether you are local, new to the area, or just visiting, the OIAA Hamilton extends our warmest welcome!

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Executive Committee